How to get rid of the parasites in the human body remedies

Parasitic infestation are capable of causing a variety of other diseases and cause serious consequences. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the methods of prevention. The media of parasites to the health of the familyThe light losses are very useful home remedies for parasites in the human body, have fewer contraindications and side effects, as medicines.

Tested recipes and recommendations for the treatment of parasites remedies, are presented in our article.

The harmful effects and the pathways of transmission of

Helminths are more than 250 different species, some of which do not pass through a complete cycle of maturation in the human body, but even with only his presence to cause harm to the body. For your feeding parasites use all the organic compounds and minerals, that come to us with the food.

In addition, the excess of parasites in the body can cause the obstruction of important channels and cause a threat to the life of the states. Waste of helminths are able to cause allergic reactions, as well as lead to the poisoning of the organism. This does not exclude mechanical and damage to internal organs, already that the larvae and adults of the species "travel" on the inside of our body, in the literal sense of the gnawing the road.

This situation by default, can not be normal, so that you want with all the forces trying to prevent the infection. To do this, it is important to identify and main routes of entry of the larvae and eggs of helminths in the human body.

As it is possible to catch the worms:

  1. The easiest and most common — through dirty hands. During the day, when we happen to hundreds of diverse articles on the street, in the store or the transport. If you do not maintain an adequate level of hygiene, the infection will occur inevitably.
  2. The lack of treatment of meat and fish can also lead to infection in different species of helminths. All the products must pass enough of the heat treatment. Also in the preparation of meals, it is important to follow all the rules and technology, and of dubious food service establishments, and at all it is best to avoid.
  3. In vegetables and fruits can also be found larvae of parasites. Many species of helminths is well-ripened in the soil, while in the human body, will fall by direct contact or through complementary products.
  4. Stray and pets often carry parasites. Some of them are general and for the man, for others we become a single intermediate teachers.
  5. As the water is also often becomes the cause of the infection. The water from any source, should be boiled, not using it in raw form. In addition, parasitic infection can result in the bathroom, especially in the closed reservoir (pond, lake).

Often, the infection occurs outside of us reasons. This visit of public places, the consumption of dishes of dubious quality in the establishments, as well as contact with an infected person or animal.

Are particularly difficult to protect from the infection of the child, since babies are very study the world, visit children, communities and the location, the level of hygiene that cannot be controlled.

Also children are much more often violate the rules of hygiene, so even the most careful and loving parents often had to face the consequences of the invasions. Use of pharmaceutical drugs is not always advisable, therefore, make sure that it is worth exploring popular methods of fight against the parasites. Are less toxic and safe for the body, so it is often used for the prevention of diseases.

The symptoms of parasitic infestation

Most people are not even aware of this "neighbourhood", while worms will not be released. The main symptoms are manifested precisely in the acute phase, especially when the infection of the varieties of flat worms. In addition, the symptoms increases when a large population of worms in the body, when their means of life, is a real threat to human beings.

Cheerleaders must be the following symptoms:

Be careful

According to statistics, more than 1 billion people are infected with the parasite. You can even do not suspect that you have been a victim of parasites.

To determine the presence of parasites in the body's easily one of the symptoms - an unpleasant odor of the mouth. Ask your loved ones, it smells and if you have the mouth in the morning (before they clean the teeth). If yes, then with a probability of 99% of those infected with the parasite.

The infection of parasites, which leads to neurosis, fatigue, changes of mood, which hereinafter will begin and more severe disease.

Men parasites cause: prostatitis, impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand and stones in the kidneys and in the bladder.

In women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Develop uterine fibroid, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys. And the same heart and cancer.

At once want to warn you that there is no need to run to the drugstore and buy dorogushchie drugs, according to pharmacists, corrodes all the parasites. The majority of the drug is very ineffective, in addition they cause a huge damage to the body.

Choose between salad and cake

What do you do?

  • The change of the eating habits. The parasites don't respond well to sharp and acidic cooking, and here it is sweet for them, a real delicacy. A person may have a strong shot to the flour and confectionery products, but the weight does not change, or, on the contrary, is going.
  • The feelings of discomfort in the stomach. Hurt can different areas of the abdomen, the chest and to the area below the shoulder blades. The pain is also characterized in a different way. In addition, there are signs of disbakterioza and digestive disorders. The majority of patients complain of nausea and watery stools, sometimes constipation, and almost always — heartburn, belching, and flatulence.
  • The deterioration of the general state. Even the existence of a handful of parasites in the body always causes certain physical and psychological. The fastest man is kansa vasti, do not feel fresh even after a good night's rest. In addition, they can show signs of conduct disorders, sleep disorders, as well as the lack of appetite, nervousness.
  • On the state of the skin and the hair also can determine the presence of helminths. The nutrients that are so necessary in the formation of our bodies, they enter into a volume insufficient, so that the hair is dull and lifeless, your nails are constantly breaking, and the skin will become a problem. By the way, asked of the appearance of the rash can also indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
  • The weakening of the immunity. The means of life of the parasites brings serious stress to our body, in the first place suffers from the immune system. Frequent colds and a long recovery period may be an indicator of parasitic infestation.
  • Many types of helminths, their eggs around the anus. That is why they may appear itching in this area, in particular the growing in the night.
To detect the presence of helminths can laboratory analysis. Often examines a stool sample, although it is one of the most informative surveys. Best result will give the scraping of the enterobiasis, but it only shows the presence of certain types of parasites.

Now increasingly performed in the examination of the blood in the reagent antibodies, the production that provoke uninvited guests in our body. These analyses can be performed with children and adults, the disadvantage is the high cost and the need for treatment in a private clinic. Defining the exact appearance of the "enemy", which can be easier to choose the way of how to cure parasites remedies.

Media parasites in the body

The effect of the prescriptions is based on the properties of certain natural substances. More often it is the vegetables, disinfectants, which help not only to expel helminths from the body, but also show the toxic substances of its activities.

Ideally, to cleanse the body of parasites in the home should be made after the consultation of the physician and of the survey, which defines the type of helminth. In such cases, the treatment will be effective and safe, The coriander seeds of the parasitesand along with the basic rules of infection prevention, it will become a protection against all kinds of pests.

How to expel parasites from the body remedies:

  • Take three times a day grated powdered coriander seeds. Single-dose half a teaspoon, must necessarily take the flavor of a large amount of water. After three days of treatment may be to rely on the result. In some cases, the receipt of cilantro lasts up to seven days.
  • An onion of medium size must grind whatever's appropriate for you. After that, pour a glass of boiled water. To insist that it is necessary a minimum of 10 hours, then strain and drink a cup a day . next to this infusion of use four days to get effective results.
  • Proven popular remedy against parasites pumpkin seeds. The substance contained in a dark shell between the core and the outer layer, and has a strong crippling effect of helminths. For prevention you can only consume raw seeds of your liking. For the treatment it is necessary to eat 50 grams every day on an empty stomach (hereinafter, also it is necessary to abandon the food and drink), Pine forests of the cooking of the parasitesand two hours later, taking laxatives. The course of treatment continues until the total elimination of the parasites.
  • The popular medicine against the parasites often used the cooking of piñas. Cooking will not be as easy, but it is natural and effective. To do this, you must boil the young buds to a simmer, constantly adding water and removing the foam from the surface. After five or six hours of cooking, the mixture was filter, add the sugar and boil about an hour. This syrup is to use two tablespoons on an empty stomach. The course of treatment of one week duration, may be used for prevention.
  • Cleaning of parasites in the home is the watermelon from seeds. To do this, grind it blender and mixed with milk (10 parts of liquid in a part of the seed). Drink a glass a day with an empty stomach.
  • Tree of the ash obtained from the burning of lime is also a popular remedy against parasites in the human body. The preparation of the tool consists in mixing a teaspoon of natural honey, and the half — ash. Eat every day in the morning and in the evening, washed down with milk.
  • The herb tea from the leaves of the forest the strawberry will also help in the fight against parasites in the home. Drinking can be every day, but not more than two consecutive weeks, so that it does not diminish the effectiveness.
  • Helps regulate the consumption of onion and garlic. For the treatment, you can use the fresh juice of garlic (5 drops each day), but only in the absence of contraindications.
  • Fresh pomegranates from the rind you can cook and drain (50 grams to 400 ml of water). Take half a cup of each day. Carrot seeds of the parasitesAfter 4 hours after taking a laxative. In this period of time is best not to eat and not to drink, so that the tool has acted firmly.
  • Chopped cloves (5 grams per cup of boiling water) to cook and insist. Cooking cast-take a teaspoon three times a day.
  • A teaspoon of powdered dry ginger root insist in a glass of boiling water. Divide in three portions per day.
  • Shredded carrot seeds (1-3 grams) taken three times a day, with plenty of volume of liquid.
Very useful to regularly use products with a bitter taste. They also help to cleanse the body of parasites in the home. This can be lemon, sour berries and fruits, sauerkraut, and fresh juices.

Prevention helps avoid serious infection, as well as destroying parasites. Before the use of these products worthwhile insurance to eliminate the risk of contraindications, because this diet is not for the kiddies young, pregnant women and patients with diseases of the stomach and the liver.

The prevention of the infection

Despite the fact that prevent infection with absolute certainty referred to is almost impossible, is in our hands to reduce the risk. To do this, simply paris with follow simple recommendations, as well as the timely undergo a medical examination and does not run chronic diseases.

Methods of prevention:

  1. Maintain a high level of hygiene and to accustom children, from childhood to wash your hands several times a day, especially before eating, not to use individual foreign objects, toys, and clothes.
  2. To handle with care all the products, respect the rules of cooking. Modern lamps allow you to arrange the space in the refrigerator and in the kitchen, therefore, to minimize the contact of raw foods and prepared dishes.
  3. Prevention activities, by cleaning parasites remedies for all members of the family, as well as pets.
  4. Do not use the water and the products of dubious quality, as well as eating in case of the establishments.
  5. When buying meat and fish demand of the health of the conclusion.

Remove the parasites from the body remedies is not so easy, especially if the infection is acute course. In some cases, these diseases require surveillance and follow-up care in the hospital, therefore, self-treatment, give rise to the threat to the health and even the life of the patient.

Relatively easy pathology is, are ideal means of parasites. On the side of the prescriptions of the safety and efficacy, but it is necessary to know how to get rid of the parasites in the house properly. The characteristics of the treatment, as well as tested recipes are presented in our article.